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Software SEO Youtube Amplify

What is "Tube Amplify"?
“Tube Amplify” is the exact system used by top YouTuber Parker Nirenstein
to create and grow his channel (Vehicle Virgins) from the ground up to where it is now
with over 400,000 subscribers and the 4th most profitable channel in his niche.

Download Free SEO Tools Youtube Amplify Click HERE

what's up affiliates and JB's peter BTW
here welcome to the JV page for my

newest product to amplify this is coming
out on Tuesday September 20th at 11am

eastern time and this is a product i'm
extremely excited to tell you about

because this is something that is going
to change a lot of people's lives

it's going to show people and give them
exactly what they need to create a

highly profitable youtube channel the
right way so what i've done here is i've

teamed up with a top youtuber who is
making over one thousand dollars per day

from his youtube channel and he produces
content ninety-nine percent by himself

he doesn't spend a dime on advertising
he doesn't have a website and to be

quite honest he doesn't even have any
online marketing or online business

experience so his name is Parker near
esteem and what he is good at is

creating awesome viral youtube videos
and growing youtube channels to

astronomical levels his channel has over
370,000 subscribers and it earns him

anywhere from twenty to thirty thousand
dollars per month just from monetizing

his videos where the youtubes ad revenue
sharing program he's not even selling

his own products yet which is actually
quite crazy if you think about it means

it has promoted a few t-shirts here and
there but he has even started promoting

his own products were doing affiliate
promotions when he starts doing that

this is going to be a seven-figure
business for him easily so I've been

able to convince him to produce a course
with me to teach your customers exactly

how to build wildly profitable youtube
channels in any niche so this is going

to work for people who want to build
large youtube followings and monetize

those videos with YouTube's ad revenue
program most people teaching youtube

don't actually make that much money from
it themselves it's kinda ironic

but this is the first course that I've
seen from a top you to Parker is

actually the fourth most profitable
automotive-related youtube channel i

think he's behind a couple huge brands
like top gear that is a wildly popular

TV show on automotive content he's just
behind them just a little 22-year old

dude who's from Michigan and goes to
college full time it's kind of crazy he

doesn't have a team or anything so this
is also for people who want to make a

name for themselves in their niche
someone who wants to become known as a

celebrity build that authority and
celebrity status in their niche so they

can create influence in that niche so
they can go the list sell their products

charge more for their prices things like

this is also for people who want to use
YouTube as a free targeted traffic

source so monetization is just a piece
of the puzzle you know building once you

build that audience on YouTube you can
do whatever you want with it you can

monetize the videos like Parker you can
sell your own products and services

other people's products and services you
can even do brand deals which is

something that Parker also does we're
basically just mentions a company's

product in his video for example check
out this awesome little t-rex thing i

bought at the grocery store the other
day I like the bite my girlfriend with

this while she's cooking just annoy her

but anyways if I was promoting this
product here and what about YouTube

videos you know I'd be doing a video
like this and they go by the way to this

new toy got it's made by John rue go
check out their website and that was it

that's a brand deal parker gets paid
upwards of 3,000 25 thousand dollars and

more just to mention products like that
in his videos because of the sheer size

of his audience inside to be amplified
he's going to take your customers and by

the hand

and show them step-by-step how to start
from zero to pick their niche how to

come up with their content for their
channel and basically how to

strategically grow that channel into the
50,000 subscribers range upwards into

the hundred thousand and higher
subscriber range over time so to amplify

is a training course at parker and i
have teamed up to create it's also going

to come up i'm also going to come with
some software that's going to help them

bring their channel better make them
stand out and appear more as an

authority in your niche

so there's a sophomore angle and it's
also going to come with some video

templates so basically if you want to
grow your channel and you want to do it

strategically and really get to those
high numbers or Parker is you've got to

create specific videos for your channel
and you've got to create them in a

specific way

so what we've done is we've taken all
the videos that are crucial to any

youtube channel success and we've broken
them down into a set of templates so

that's three pieces of to amplify the

ok the software and the templates oh and
there's a fourth thing we're also going

to get live webinar coaching from Parker
and I after watching we're going to

basically answer all their questions
help them pick their niche helping set

up their YouTube channel and just answer
all their YouTube channel related

questions so this is a product i'm
really excited to tell you about the

product is going to help a lot of people

youtube is it is getting extremely
popular lately as people recognize the

power of video they're touring to places
like YouTube as content marketing and

branding is becoming more and more
important in this online marketing space

you know it's not like the old days
where you can just continue to pump out

and provide do promotions all the time
you have to be producing high-quality

content you have to be building that
audience on YouTube and people are

excited about this stuff so thanks so
much for watching this video again you

can go ahead and click the button below
me right now to get on the JV list

you're going to want to do that so you
get info about the launch

we get closer and also you get
leaderboard updates and things like that

go ahead and click the other button to
get your affiliate link over on jvzoo if

you want review access please go ahead
and use the contact button here on this

page and get me on facebook on skype
i'll leave all that stuff here on this

page just reach out to me now if your
brand new affiliate with under a hundred

sales and I don't know you we don't have
a relationship

please just include some information
about your website how you print plan to

promote a little bit of information
about your list so i can feel

comfortable you know giving you an
affiliate link so thanks so much for


i'm peter BTW on behalf of my partner
partners D&I for our tube amplifier

launch i look forward to crushing it
with you on the tube amplifier launch on

Tuesday September 20th talk to you soon

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