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Micro Niche Finder Cracked- Another Keyword Research SEO Tool

Uncover the hot niche markets everyone else is missing by a mile

Affiliate Marketing Software

Most new affiliate marketers feel the need to go out and buy the latest new program in hopes of finding riches on the Internet overnight. In reality, that isn’t likely to happen no matter which tools or products you buy! It is very possible to make serious money online, but the path takes persistence and some good mentoring along the way. So if you’re new, put your wallet away; stop buying and start doing.

That being said, there’s a time in your marketing career when it’s OK to buy a product. After you’ve figured out how your chosen marketing method works, perhaps you’ve found that you’re spending too much time building web pages, rewriting articles, or researching niches. Then I’d suggest looking for a good tool to ease the pain. Likewise, if you see other marketers using a technique that you don’t understand (like Facebook or Twitter marketing), then maybe it’s time to find a product that teaches the skills you’re missing. Even the high-dollar guru launches can make a huge difference when you’re ready to take your Internet business to the next level.

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A niche in internet marketing terms is made up of one or multiple keywords. To give you an example:
  • Cars
  • German Cars
  • Volkswagen
  • Volkswagen New Beetle
  • Volkswagen New Beetle Quote
The niche gets narrower from top to bottom. Broad niches are usually more competitive than smaller ones, considering that there are many more sites that target cars in one way or the other, than sites that offer quotes for the New Beetle.

A keyword research tool’s main purpose is to provide the Internet Marketer with keywords metrics. Some of the most important metrics are expected visitors per month, competitiveness or the costs of running a CPC campaign for the keyword.

Micro Niche Finder is a tool that aids the marketer in the assessment of keywords. The software supports several options to generate and assess keywords.

Marketers can enter a keyword in the search form in the software to get keyword recommendations similar to those offered by Google’s Adwords Keyword Tool. The keyword research tool taps right into Google’s database to find the keywords. It supports the use of synonyms to widen the search, can include adult contents in the results and narrow down the search by only accepting keywords that match the keyword entered by the user.

Micro Niche Finder supports other keyword research options. It can use Google Hot Trends to display keywords based on recent trends, offers a Brainstorm mode to display 25 random keywords, get specific model numbers (only active for some searches), or import an existing list of keywords into the application.

Keywords can be imported from text files, but only if they contain a carriage return and line feed after each keyword. This is supported by Google Adwords and other keyword tools. If is furthermore possible to perform a search for up to 50 keywords at once, that can be pasted into a form in the Options menu.

Each new keyword list is displayed in a separate tab that looks crowded on first glance. The page is divided into a header area with controls, and a table in the main area listing keyword information.

Micro Niche Finder uses the exact setting to display keyword search volumes. It is possible to switch to Broad or Phrase, the two other options offered by the Google Adwords Tool.
  • Broad
  • These search counts include searches in which all of the words from the search phrase were used, but not necessarily in the same order.
  • Exact
  • These search counts include searches in which the searcher entered the phrase exactly as it appears in the first column.
  • Phrase
  • These search counts include searches in which all of the words from the search phrase were used, in the same order, but possibly with additional words.

Comprehensive Keyword Information

For each keyword the following information are displayed instantly:
  • Phrase
  • That’s the individual keyword
  • Local Search Count
  • The most important parameter, as it is an estimate of a keyword’s monthly search traffic from the local country (preconfigured is English, United States). It is possible to change that in the program’s options. More about that later on.
  • Global Search Count
  • Traffic on a global scale, this includes the local search count.
  • Trends
  • Displays Google Trends informationof the last 12 months about the keyword
  • Ad Cost
  • Taken from Google’s Adwords Keyword Tool. The estimated cost-per-click (CPC) for your ad for the associated keywords. AdWords estimates your performance using a maximum CPC that is predicted to place your ad always in positions 1-3 with an unlimited budget to capture all available impressions.
All remaining parameters are not displayed by default, and need to be processed separately.
  • Domain Availability
  • Checks the availability of .com, .net and .org keyword domains.
  • Exact Phrase Count
  • Checks the exact phrase count on Google. The exact phrase count refers to searching for the term in "". Some Internet marketers consider this a competition strength signal.
  • Broad Phase Count
    Only displayed if the Broad tab is selected instead of Exact. Displays the pages that are indexed by Google for the broad phrase.
  • OCI
  • Represents the Microsoft OCI (or Online Commercial Intention) index. Strong commercial interest is assumed if the OCI is .5 or higher.
  • MOB
  • This is a unique parameter offered by Micro Niche Finder. The Measure Of Backlinks estimates the number of backlinks required for a first page position in Google Search. MOB only becomes available after an Exact Phrase Count or Broad Phrase Count have been retrieved.
We determine this number by checking the number of InLinks for the top ten pages in the Google search results for either the Broad Phrase Match or the Exact Phrase Match (depending on the tab you have selected) of the search phrase. We then calculate the MOB based on a subsection of the results.
The calculation pulls data from Yahoo’s Siteexplorer to compute the number of backlinks.
  • SOC
  • Strength Of Competition, rates the competition of the search term in Google. Competition can be strong, moderate or light. To calculate the competition, SOC uses inanchor, intitle and inurl values retrieved from Google.
Values that are not calculated immediately by the program can be processed individually by clicking on the items directly, or by using the checkboxes to add multiple keywords and parameters to the queue.
Micro Niche Finder supports filtering options. It is for instance possible to filter out all keywords with x or less visitors, or those where all keyword domain names are already registered. Filtering options are available for all parameters displayed in the software. Filters are saved, so that they can be easily applied to a list of keywords.
A left-click on a keyword in the keyword listing opens a context menu with extensive search options that open in the default web browser:

What's This?

This is a new feature in Version 5.1. Have you ever seen a search result phrase and thought, "Hmm, what is that?" --- Selecting What's This? will launch your default web browser to Google's site with a predefined query to attempt to define the term.

New Searches
There are several different types of additional searches you can perform on a result phrase. These include: Narrow Dig, Broad Dig, Google Suggest, LSI, and Buying Keywords.

Google Results
Selecting an option from this menu will open your default web browser to a specific Google query. Available Google searches are:
  • Google Search
  • Returns normal Google search results for the selected phrase
  • Google Exact Phrase Search
  • Returns Google search results for the selected phrase in quotes
  • Search for Affiliate Programs
  • Searches Google for affiliate products related to the selected phrase
  • Google Trends
  • Searches Google Trends for the selected phrase
  • Google News Search
  • Searches Google News for the selected phrase
  • Google Product Search
  • Searches Google Shopping for the selected phrase
  • Unlicensed (Commercial) Content
  • Returns content related to the selected phrase that is free to use or share commercially
  • Unlicensed (Non-commercial) Content
  • Returns content related to the selected phrase that is free to use or share non-commercially

Other (Non-Google) Searches

Selecting an option from this menu will open your default web browser to a specific site/query. Available searches are:
  • Clickbank Marketplace Search
  • Searches the Clickbank Marketplace for affiliate products related to the selected phrase
  • Amazon Search
  • Searches for the selected phrase on Amazon
  • Amazon Kindle Store
  • Searches for the selected phrase at the Amazon Kindle Store
  • eBay
  • Searches for the selected phrase on eBay

Selecting an option from this menu will open your default web browser to a specific site/query. Available lookups are:
  • Check Top-Level Domains
  • Opens the bulk registration web site, where you can check all top-level domains for the selected phrase
  • Domain Tools Lookup
  • Performs a query at the Domain Tools website for the selected phrase
  • eHow Articles
  • Performs a search at ehow.com for the selected phrase
  • E-Zine Articles
  • Performs a search Google site:ezinearticles.com search for the selected phrase

Copy Phrases

Selecting an option from this menu will copy one or more phrases in the search results grid to the Windows Clipboard
  • Copy This Phrase
    Copies the selected phrase to the Windows clipboard
  • Copy All Phrases
    Copies all phrases to the Windows clipboard
  • Copy Checked Phrases
    Copies only the checked phrases to the Windows clipboard
  • Copy Unchecked Phrases
  • Copies all phrases which are not checked to the Windows clipboard

Create Tags

Keyword lists can be exported in various formats and with various information. Supported formats include csv, xml and xls, with the possibility to include some or all of the information about each keyword.

The program options contain settings to change the targeted language and country, make changes to default search parameters (like switching from Exact to Broad or Phrase searches), data settings for the program’s data folder, Internet settings to configure how the program connects to the Internet and search engine courtesy settings to reduce the chance of being banned temporarily because of to many requests to a search engine.

Checked keywords can also be added to projects. A useful feature considering that it usually takes more than one search to create a list of all relevant keywords of a niche.

What we like

  • Option to check for domain availability from within the software
  • Various parameters to determine a keyword’s competition, including OCI, MOB and SOC which often provide a good estimation of a keyword’s competition in Google search
  • Solid filtering options
  • Exporting in various formats
  • Lifetime updates included in purchase
  • Project Management
  • Updated regularly with new features, updates are displayed directly in the program
  • Keyword related searches available, for instance on Clickbank, Amazon Marketplace, Google News or affiliate programs in general.

 What we do not like

  • Only one proxy can be configured in the software
  • It is not possible to redo initial lookups (e.g. the local search count)
  • The program does not support other means of acquiring keywords, e.g. Google Wonderwheel
  • No option to determine the competition in other search engines
  • No option to import an exported keyword list


Micro Niche Finder is one of the better commercial keyword research tools. Some may argue that it is possible to compute most of the information manually, but that takes a lot of time. The program is ideal for webmasters who want to process a large amount of keywords on a regular basis. Importing and exporting features, the filtering system and queue make this an easy task, even for Internet marketers who do not have year’s of experience.
But the program has a few shortcomings as well. A major one is the lack of proxy list support. While it is possible to use an external program to switch proxies automatically, it requires additional effort and technical knowledge to do that. The lack of support for other search engines besides Google, especially Bing is another negative aspect.
But, Micro Niche Finder automates most of the keyword researching. Marketers do not have to juggle with multiple websites and online tools to get the information they need to make decisions about keywords based on factual numbers. All they need is this software to do that.

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